What We Do
What We Do
We have been using regenerative grazing practices since around 2015, initially as a cost saving measure for the traditional beef we were producing but we realized that we were producing a really premium product!
Using no fertilizer, no GMO soy or external feed our animals reach great finishing condition just on pasture!
A by product of producing beef this way is that the species diversity in our pastures is naturally increasing!
So we offer people who love beef a way to literally eat the land healthy!
The cattle themselves are the “keystone" species here on our farm, they cycle the nutrients for us and drive the natural productivity of the soil!
By cycling nutrients for us the cattle and pasture work in symbiosis to capture carbon in the soil, actively increasing soil fertility and taking carbon out of the atmosphere. How do I know this? I’m not measuring carbon but increasing soil fertility with no external inputs is the measure I’m using.
Its like a game! I have certain goals for each field and the animal impact is how I achieve them! That’s the daily activity here on the farm, the meaningful work I get to do! The meat harvest once a month is just the means to allow that to happen.
That’s what you need to realize! You allow me to play this game! I’m using the animals hooves and mouths to massage this landscape because you support me! Our herd through selection is becoming more grass adapted (rather than big continental cattle) and more suited to the Irish context because you support that herd! Our pasture and woodland pasture is becoming more diverse because you support me in moving towards being more regenerative.
So think again about the question, “What do WE do?
We eat the land healthy! and I thank you for being the hero that allows me to arrange this daily dance!